
Hunting period: 01. 10.-31. 01.


Hunting fee 1 380.00€

Wounding 265.00€


Package PRICE

Combined driven hunting for wolf and wild boar

Wolf and wild boar not to make any difference of pieces and quality of the trophy – 2

hunting days

Package price for 1 hunter – EUR 600,- (EUR 300, - per day)

+ 45.00 EUR fee for the hunting license and the insurance for foreign hunters.

Package price includes:

- hunting fee for wolf and wild boar not to make any difference of pieces and quality of the


- organisation fee,

- 2 nights accommodation,

- food,

- transport in hunting area.

Additional person (not hunting) EUR 40.00 per day
Cancellation fee for one hunter EUR 98.00
· In case of bag 0-4 pieces of game (wolf or wild boar) during the 2 days driven hunt, the package price will be reduced to EUR299.00 per hunter (150 EUR/per day).
· Combined driven hunting for wolf and wild boar according to this offer can be applied just in the forest enterprises with stable appearance of the wolf and with having the agreed plan. The minimal number of 8 hunters is required.
· Individuals and groups can apply for the hunt. SK Hunting reserves the right to supplement hunters to the group.

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