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Official Country name: Slovak republic
National Flag:
National Anthem: Nad Tatrou sa blýska (Lightning over the Tatras)
Bordering countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine
Capital: Bratislava
Area: 49 030 square kilometers
Maximum length: 428 km (Zahorska Ves - Nova Sedlica)
Maximum width: 195 km (Sturovo - Skalite)
Elevation above sea level: 95 m (Bodrog) - 2655 m (Gerlach)
Population: 5 413 548 (2009)
Population density: 110/sq.km
Nationalities: Slovak (85.6%), Hungarian (10.8%), Romany (1.8%), Czech (1.2%), Ruthenian (0.3%), Ukrainian (0.3%), German (0.1%), Polish (0.1%),Other (0.2%)
Religion: Roman-Catholic (60.3%), Greek-Catholic (3.4%), Protestant (6.2%), Reformist (1.6%), Orthodox (0.6%), Without any confession (9.7%), No data (18.2%)
Government type: parliamentary democracy
Independence: January 1, 1993 (from The Czecho-Slovak Federation, previously Czechoslovakia)
Constitution: January 1, 1993
Currency: Euro
Climate: continental
Average annual temperature: 9 to 10 °C (48 to 50 °F)
Time zone: GMT + 1
Nearest Airports: Bratislava, Budapest, Vienna, Krakow
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